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How Can We Help?

Congratulations on the joy and happiness of your upcoming wedding day!
With so many things to think about, let us to take care of a wedding dance for you! 
Either you want to prepare your "first dance", or you are also thinking of accomplishing a
father/daughter, mother/son dance, we are here to help. We will make sure that
learning your wedding dance is an exciting and fun experience.

Whether your goal is to develop a simple routine and you want to look confident dancing it, or you have a larger goal of doing special choreography to look more impressive, we have experience with literally hundreds of wedding dances to create your special dancing debut!

It’s not a problem if you haven’t chosen a song. On your very first lesson we will introduce you to the main dances most couples use. We will make suggestions depending on which dance you might like, and move to the best. If you already have a song chosen, bring it with you!

How Soon Should You Begin Lessons?
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We recommend to start preparing your wedding dance 3-6 months before your wedding. The closer you get to the wedding, the more hectic your schedule becomes. We can help you create the wedding dance of your dreams given enough time.

Learning process and expectations! 
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Preparation for the upcoming wedding is an exciting moment and could sometimes be even a bit stressful. A bit? - you may ask... Oh, well, maybe not at all, let's just say preparation could be extremely stressful, as all potential guests need to be informed, the venue should be ready and picked wisely, the DJ must be selected, the whole ceremony, the meals and entertainment programed should planned perfectly, and the list may go on and on and on.

​Among all numerous things there will always be a question of quality preparation for the first dance! And to help future newlyweds to sort out their first dance, we've decided to write a post and discuss the most important "headaches" related to the preparation of the wedding dance.

Proud Examples of Our Work!
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